A Manga adaptation of the Light Novel “The Irregular of the Royal Academy of Magic”, serialized in Weekly Young Jump.”Magic.” A sacred mystery usable only by those chosen. One day, a child from the slums named Ars finds he has the power to use magic. A sorcerer by the name of Genos Wilzard learns of his talent and raises him, turning him into the greatest of assassins. One day, Genos gives him an order: To enroll at the Magic Academy…!?
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- Action
- Adaptation
- Adult
- Adventure
- Chinese
- Comedy
- Comic
- Cooking
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- Demon
- Demons
- Doujinshi
- Drama
- Ecchi
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- Fantasy
- Full Color
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- Gyaru
- Harem
- Historical
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- Isekai
- Josei
- kids
- Liexing
- Loli
- Magic
- Manhua
- Manhwa
- Martial arts
- Mature
- Mecha
- Medical
- Military
- Monsters
- Mystery
- Office workers
- One shot
- Ping Ping Jun
- Pornographic
- Post apocalyptic
- Reincarnation
- Reverse
- Reverse harem
- Romance
- Royal family
- School life
- Sci fi
- Seinen
- Shoujo
- Shoujo ai
- Shounen
- Shounen ai
- Slice of life
- Smut
- Sports
- Super power
- Supernatural
- Survival
- Thriller
- Time travel
- Tragedy
- Vampire
- Villainess
- webtoon
- Webtoons
- Yaoi
- Yuri